Today I feel lost and indicisive as always. However today is different, because today I decided to do something about my situation and made up my mind to create this blog with the only purpose of bringing some sense into my life. This will be my personal tool for self-expression and I know it will help me to achieve my ultimate goal, which is to be able to say what is truly in my heart.
My name is Adriana. I'm Venezuelan. I'm 17 years old and I'm a woman. Now, does that define who I am? maybe...but I'm sure there's more, and that's what i'm trying to find out through this blog. So here I am:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Personal Astrology Profile

Yo siempre he creido que el horoscopo es un monton de basura que se lee en las revistas y nadie le presta atencion por que 90% del tiempo las cosas que dice tu signo nisiquiera se aplica a tu vida personal. Siempre pense que era una completa perdida de tiempo aprender de tu signo zodiacal (o chino) pero al mismo tiempo ligeramente entretenido. Hace una semana cambie de opinion completamente y debo admitir que  fue gracias a mi ridiculo hermano ( aficionado a la astrologia) que me ha vuelto en una creyente de toda esta boberia. El y su suegro me leyeron mi carta astral, aquella con la que se nace y es completamente unica por que depende de la hora exacta en la que naciste. Lo que comenzo como un juego termino dandole justo al blanco. No lo podia creer. Esa basura me leyo completamente, como si fuera un libro abierto! quien iba a saber que la posicion de venus con la luna o quien sabe q otro planeta mas podria afectar mi personalidad y manera de llevar mi vida. Debo admitir que estaba emocionadicima ( si por favor tengan me pena)  y ahora ando buscando mas informacion en otras paginas para ver si de ahi consigo una señal que me diga que coño voy a hacer con mi vida.
Oh, I´m having TOO much fun with this
Leean lo que encontre:


Birth Date and Time:
March 11, 1994 11:45 AM
Birth Location:
Maracay, Venezuela
Sun Sign:

Section 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

You are always questioning and learning, and you seem young
and alive no matter what your chronological age, for your mind is
always alert, curious, flexible and open to new experiences. You
have a childlike enthusiasm for anything new and you learn
easily, but you also get bored rather quickly. You can be
something of a scatterbrain, for you tend to have so many ideas
and irons in the fire that it is hard to keep track of them all.
You need and crave variety, change, mental stimulation, and an
active social life. Find out more with your full-length reading...

Section 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

At heart you are very gentle, impressionable, and receptive -
a dreamer. The world of your imagination, feelings, and intuition
is as real to you as anything in the outer world, though you may
have trouble verbalizing or interpreting your inner experiences
in a way others can understand. Mystical, artistic, musical,
emotional and imaginative, you have a rich inner life, though you
may seem rather unobtrusive and quiet outwardly. You usually keep
to yourself. Find out more with your full-length reading...

Me describio perfectamente. Que rabia. Es raro pero me siento un poco frustrada de que una estupida carta astral sepa mas de mi misma que Yo! Es ridiculo! Pero bueno yo misma me lo busque por curiosa.... y analizando la vaina, mi horoscopo la pego en casi todo especialmente describiendo mi "childlike enthusiasm" por todo, mi mania de aburrirme tan rapido de las cosas ( y de la gente tambien lastimosamente) *sight*.  Una parte que me impresiono bastante que pusieran fue my"trouble verbalizing or interpreting [my] inner experiences in a way others can understand".
Nota Personal: Recuerda trabajar en ello ^

Esta carta personal no esta completa por que si queria la version completa tenia que pagar 2 dolares en y obviamente me reuse a gastar mi plata en eso ademas que ando en bancarota o si lo quieren mas criollito.. ando PELANDOBOLAS ( asique no es por pura pichirreria).
Sin embargo, Mi hermano se encargo de leerme la version completa interpretada por el y me salio una lectura algo deprimente con rescpecto al amor. Resulta que soy una indecisa de mierda! que sorpresa no?  debido a mi "inestabilidad sentimental" voy a tener dificultad encontrando una pareja ya que tiendo a entregarme con mucha pasion y apresuradamente para luego aburrirme y desinteresarme de la persona en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Yep, sound familiar. En conclucion mi mayor problema en el amor y la vida es que no se lo que quiero.
Like i didn´t know that already...
Por el otro lado, mi hermano me leyo que mi futuro profecional sera exitoso y que lograre alcanzar mis metas, ganare mucha plata y en general tendre una prospera carrera por que todo lo que tenga lo habre obtenido por merito propio y trabajo duro. :)) Que felicidad! Se que es ridiculo pero esto en realidad me da un poco de seguridad en mi misma y no puedo evitar sentirme un poco emocionada y expectante por el futuro! AHHH ya quiero tener 25 y tener mi vida hecha. Dios mio. Me tengo que callar.. creo que este blog ya ha sido muy largo perd- (necesito parar de disculparme por las estupideces que escribo en mi blog. Es mi BLOG y escribo ahi lo que quiera y cuanto quiera, ok?) ya me puse agresiva.. otra señal diciendo que me vaya a dormir.

Hasta la vista, baby 

Monday, July 25, 2011

What being Free Looks Like


Summer is going by so fast... already at Santo Domingo

Best Comic Strips: Calvin and Hobbes

I must say this is my favorite of all times. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson is a comic series that became a hit from 1985 to 1995, until the author decided to stop his work because some issue with the Syndicate. However, I´m still grateful for this beautiful, funny and poignant comic strip  he left us during that decade... i have to admit that made me more eager to read the sunday paper and with its imaginative charaters, this comic was able to put a smile on my face everytime i read it, and still does now.
Calvin is a six year old kid with an incredible imagination. He is smart and adventurous, however he is also a misbehaved kid with attention deficit problems, who spends most of his time alone but somehow he gets to have fun all the same. With such a lack of friends and with such an excess of imagination calvin creates himself a world full of adventures in his mind and is a acompanied by his imaginary tiger and best friend, Hobbes.  From the other characters' perspectives, Hobbes is Calvin's stuffed tiger. From Calvin's point of view Hobbes is a tiger, much larger than himself and full of independent attitudes and ideas ( he usually is the voice of conscience)

The Racoon Story: This one is particularly touching
Watterson explains the change of perspectives in the strip according to the appearance of Hobbes in each frame:
"When Hobbes is a stuffed toy in one panel and alive in the next, I'm juxtaposing the 'grown-up' version of reality with Calvin's version, and inviting the reader to decide which is truer."[7]
Love Calvin and Hobbes
Thank you, Bill Watterson

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Here's one of Marta;s Drawings and the website is on my last post. She is specially obsessed with Ron and Hermione. This is the illustration of their first kiss


Since the last Harry Potter movie is coming out TOMORROW night, i thought it was the appropiate time to share this awesome website with the world. If you are a Harry Potter fan i'm sure you'll apreciate these drawings just as i do. This website has a copilation of drawings made by Marta (don't know her last name) of various scenes of the books and i personally love them so much because the characters simply look exacly like the ones i imagined in my head. They are beautiful. So here's the website.. check them out!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ethnicity radiates from the soul

Show all your colors, all your emotions
where you come from, where you go to
everything that makes you different, makes you unique
your background can be revealed with a single word
a single smile and even with a single look
so stop hiding and show it to the world
be proud of your birthplace and of your race
it is part of your culture
part of your soul
and part of who you are