Today I feel lost and indicisive as always. However today is different, because today I decided to do something about my situation and made up my mind to create this blog with the only purpose of bringing some sense into my life. This will be my personal tool for self-expression and I know it will help me to achieve my ultimate goal, which is to be able to say what is truly in my heart.
My name is Adriana. I'm Venezuelan. I'm 17 years old and I'm a woman. Now, does that define who I am? maybe...but I'm sure there's more, and that's what i'm trying to find out through this blog. So here I am:

Friday, July 8, 2011

El Latin Lover - Malanga

Mi estrofa favorita:
 El latin lover, personaje de la vida cotidiana en
latinoamérica va vestido de gala, calzado
de blanco patente y lleva un diente de oro que
brilla en la oscuridad al estilo Pedro Navaja,
porque Pedro Navaja ese sí es un verdadero
latin lover.

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