Today I feel lost and indicisive as always. However today is different, because today I decided to do something about my situation and made up my mind to create this blog with the only purpose of bringing some sense into my life. This will be my personal tool for self-expression and I know it will help me to achieve my ultimate goal, which is to be able to say what is truly in my heart.
My name is Adriana. I'm Venezuelan. I'm 17 years old and I'm a woman. Now, does that define who I am? maybe...but I'm sure there's more, and that's what i'm trying to find out through this blog. So here I am:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beret/ Boina

Hoy mientras compraba en el mall con unas amigas, me tope con accesorio muy interesante en la tienda 9-7-5. Me probe la boina por pura broma y termine enamorandome de esta al ver como me quedaba! Me encanta el estilo, le da el toque artistico que le faltaba a mi cara, me enfatue tanto con las boinas que me termine comprando 3! y cada vez que la uso me imagino a mi misma viviendo la vida boheme, pintando por las calles, viajando por el mundo, tomando fotos y gozando de la musica. Capaz lo que me fascina no es tanto como me queda pero lo bien que me hace sentir..anyways let's see if i can pull it off  ;)

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